At MEOWDIN, we aim for transparency and authenticity — two of our guiding principles — in every aspect of the work we do. And because we not only depend on but trust our family of supporters, we are committed to open, two-way communication and financial transparency across the organization.

It All Started Here!


Marzipan was our first rescue. We had to show a lot of Love and Patience. It started a Passion inside that now extends to caring for abandoned and Ferrel Cats in Hardin County..

Our Mission

Meowdin is about showing love and care to abandoned and lost animals.


We also care for feral cats by providing food sources,habitats, and referrals to organizations dedicated to taking care of our feline friends.

Friendly & compassionate environment

Whether indoors or in the wild, we want to foster a community that care for all animals. It does not matter if they were abandoned, lost, or born in the wild, all animals should have a safe place to live, to be able to eat and be healthy.